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「Heston的完美《炸魚薯條》食譜」- Heston's Perfect Fish & Chips Recipe

觀看次數:29516  • 


This is our winning fish. It's a beautiful turbot. Ideally, try to find a fish market you can put your trust in, and always buy your fish whole. It's the best guarantee of freshness.

There's a few things to look for when choosing fresh fish. First, go to the gills here. And they should be pink and clean. That's wonderful. And the eyes, the eyes should be glistening, shining. They shouldn't be sunken, glazed over. And the skin, well, it should have a nice resistance. You can see here. There's a lovely sheen to it.

So, now, we need to fillet the fish. Let's do this. There's a central bone around this down here. What we're gonna do is run the knife along that bone first. I'm left-handed, so I might be doing it differently, to some of you, but working from the tail...up.

You can feel...two bones have come out from the central bone. Just get the knife...running along that, and just work it, slide it along the bones to the outside of the fillet. You'll feel the fillet coming away, nice and easily. Came with this... Just be very gentle. You've taken all the care to choose this fish. Now, be very careful when filleting it.

I'm leaving the skin on, because I like the flavor and the texture of the skin, but...if you want to, just remove it after you taking the fillet off. Here we are. Here's a beautiful fillet of turbot. You can see here the thickness of flesh. This is really important, if we're gonna keep that moisture and juiciness inside our fish.

My test revealed the Aaron Victory is the best variety for making chips. If you can't get those, go for Maris Piper. I'm cutting the potatoes into fairly regular size chips, because that makes for interesting range of textures. The only important thing here is "don't cut them too thick." If you do, there will be too much moisture inside the potato, inside the chip. What that would do, is to render the chips soggy.
我的測試結果顯示Aaron Victory(英國馬鈴薯品種)是做薯條最棒的種類。如果你弄不到那些,就用Maris Piper(馬鈴薯品種)吧。我把馬鈴薯切成完全是一般大小的薯條,因為那產生耐人尋味的口感層次。這裡唯一重要的事情是「別把它們切得太厚」。如果那樣,馬鈴薯、薯條裡面會有太多水分。那會使薯條變得濕濕的。

So, once you cut the chips, place them in a bowl of water. And just leave them among the tap for about five minutes, just until the water becomes clear, washing out some of the starch. I devise this recipe to make the fluffiest, crispiest chips imaginable. It's a three-stage process.

For the first step, after the potatoes have been washed, place them in the pan of lightly salted water and cook them on simmering. And that will take between ten and twenty minutes, depending on the potato. And what we are looking for here is we want the potato to be...just as close as possible to breaking up. Be very careful of those. A few seconds too long, and you're gonna end up with potato soup.

These are just about ready. I can show you this. You'll see outside of the potato. It's all broken up. All those crannies and cracks will absorb the oil and make the outside of the chip wonderfully crisp. So, (at) this point, we need to drain them. I've got here a cake rack sets over a tray. Just place them on the rack. There's still a lot of steam inside that chip, a lot of moisture, we want to get rid of some of that. We do that by using the fridge. Now, the air in here is very dry. We put this in here for about thirty minutes. So here's some that have been in for about half an hour or so. You can see it got that wonderful rough surface. What's happened is while the potato's cooled down, the starch in there that you recrystallized has firmed up the chip. And that will mean we're gonna have a wonderful crust.

So now, for the step two of the three-stage process: The first frying. In here, chips that we dried in the fridge. They're all set to a hundred and thirty degree centigrade. They've been in here for about five minutes. They're just about ready. What we're looking for...is the outside of each chip is just beginning to color, but no more than that. At this stage, we dry them out once more. There's still a little bit too much moisture inside each chip. If we don't get rid of that, these chips are still gonna become a little bit soggy. So, we turn them back on a cake rack, and repeat the process again. Put them in the fridge, leaving them to dry out a little bit further. And once that's done, you can place them in a sealed container, and leave them until you're ready for the third stage: the final fry.

Well, after a lot of head-scratching, we managed to crack the recipe for the batter. What you need is one of these, a soda siphon used in making carbonated drinks. We're gonna use it to put more bubbles in the batter. So, to make the batter recipe, in here, I've got flour and rice flour. I'm gonna add to that some honey. Now this will just help the color of the batter. And then, Vodka. And finally, I'm gonna add the beer. It's important to open this last minute, because you wanna keep as much gas in here as possible. It's gonna make the batter even lighter.

Mix everything together. Again, it's important to keep the bubbles. Don't be too worried if you've got some...lumps in here. If anything lumps there, it's gonna make for a more interesting texture. Now I need to fill the siphon. And you can see these lumps going in. Those lumps are gonna give this really wonderful little nugget its crisp batter.

To charge the siphon, the can is the CO2 here...and when we do that three times, get...we get as much carbon dioxide in here as possible. So when this is fully charged, it needs to go into the fridge, and the reason for this is carbon dioxide is much more soluble in cold liquid. So by cooling the batter down, we're gonna get more gas, more bubbles. That will make for crisper, lighter batter.

So now to our chips: this is the third and final stage for our chips. After the second drying in the fridge, they need to be fried one more time. Now, these have been in here for three minute, about a hundred and ninety degrees centigrade. Another four or five minutes, that will be ready.

Onto the fish: I've got in here a pan of oil. We use a pan for the fryer for two reasons: One, because the size of it. The second and more importantly, we need to cook this batter really quickly. Most fryers are not very accurate reliable at higher temperatures. So I've got a probe. It's very important to make sure... you know the temperature. We're looking for 220. Meter approach may show all those are getting too hot.

The batter, just empty this out into the bowl. You can see all the bubbles. The reason for coating the fish in seasoned flour, is to make sure the batter stays; otherwise it's gonna fall off. Into the batter, and straight into the oil. Here's something I picked up from the tempura restaurant. Just taking your spatula, and drizzling that batter on top of the fish, and you're gonna get these wonderful shards of really light crisp batter.

Ok, these chips are now ready. This batter, so crispy, looks fantastic. And the chips... Now, I just wanna have a look at the fish. That is perfect!
好,現在這些薯條準備好了。這麵糊 – 如此的酥脆 – 看起來很棒。而這薯條...現在,我只想要看一下魚肉。那真完美!

  • 「信任、相信」- Put Trust In

    Ideally, try to find a fish market you can put your trust in, and always buy your fish whole.

  • 「(眼珠、目光)混濁、呆滯無神」- Glaze Over

    And the eyes—the eyes should be glistening, shining. They shouldn't be sunken, glazed over.

  • 「產生、造成」- Make For

    If anything lumps there, it's gonna make for a more interesting texture.

  • 「使堅硬、使結實」- Firm Up

    What's happened is while the potato's cooled down, that starch in there that you recrystallized has firmed up the chip.

  • 「產生、造成」- Make For

    If anything lumps there, it's gonna make for a more interesting texture.

  • 「產生、造成」- Make For

    If anything lumps there, it's gonna make for a more interesting texture.

  • 「剝落」- Fall Off

    The reason for coating the fish in seasoned flour is to make sure the batter stays; otherwise it's gonna fall off.




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