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「什麼是元宇宙?為什麼科技巨頭都趨之若鶩?」- Facebook Name Change Signals High-Stakes Race for "Metaverse"

觀看次數:15653  • 


A tech-industry battle is taking shape over the metaverse.

What is the metaverse?

A metaverse.

In the metaverse.


The metaverse will be the successor to the mobile Internet.

A metaverse is essentially a massive virtual world that can be accessed in real time by millions of people using avatars. The concept is rooted in science fiction movies like Ready Player One.

A whole virtual universe.

But now it's playing out in the real world. Facebook just changed its name to Meta to better reflect its expansion into the metaverse, and it joins companies like Roblox, Epic Games, and Microsoft and planning to spend billions to be at the forefront of building out these virtual realms.
但這件事在現實中實現了。Facebook 才剛改名成 Meta,充分展現他們將版圖擴張至元宇宙,而他們跟 Roblox、Epic Games 還有微軟等公司一樣,計畫斥資數十億,成為打造虛擬王國的領頭羊。

I think we're still in the beginning stages of this. And so a lot of what's happening is still just competition, if you will, between the companies to, like, establish themselves in the metaverse.

But how exactly will the metaverse work? And why do tech giants see it as the next evolution of the Internet?

For the metaverse, it is a convergence of physical and digital, almost like your digital lifestyle catching up to your physical lifestyle in some ways.

Cathy Hackl is the chief metaverse officer and CEO of the Future Intelligence Group, a consulting company that provides strategic insight for companies navigating the metaverse space.
Cathy Hackl 是 Future Intelligence Group 的元宇宙長兼執行長,這是一家顧問公司,提供企業探索元宇宙空間的戰略觀點。

It is enabled by many different technologies, like augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain—obviously, NFTs play a big part there—AI, 5G, cloud computing. So, it's not just about one technology, and it's not just one thing.
元宇宙結合了各種不同的技術,像是擴增實境、虛擬實境、區塊鏈--而明顯地,非同質化代幣也很重要--還有人工智慧、5G 和雲端運算。換句話說,這不僅是一項科技或一個概念。

For now, most metaverse virtual spaces will look more like the inside of a video game than real life. And some big tech executives envision the metaverse as an interoperable open platform. This means no one company or organization will own it, and the avatars will be able to move freely between metaverse virtual spaces.

There's all these different platforms. And the question is, sort of, How do you connect all those? And whether it's gonna be possible to jump from—you know, you have your avatar in Roblox, can you, you know, somehow cross through and get to Facebook through that? Are the platforms gonna be connected?
平台各式各樣,五花八門。問題是要怎麼相互連結?還有是否有可能從--比方說,你在機器磚塊上有你的虛擬替身,那你可以找到一個方式,讓這個替身跨越到 Facebook 上嗎?這些平台會連結在一起嗎?

In some ways, the metaverse is already here. Immersive games, like Fortnite, and gaming platforms, like Roblox, include metaverse-like elements, where gamers can use avatars to play games and attend events or use digital currency to buy products.

Roblox and Fortnite, so they kind of—I guess some would say—have, like, authority because they already have these huge user bases, and they have the platform developed. You know, they're not building something from scratch. And so, I think that's a huge advantage for them. So, they're most, I think, just focused on developing these in-app experiences or these games.

For instance, Roblox recently unveiled what would be a huge overhaul for its avatar system, allowing players to be more life-like and customizable.
舉例來說,Roblox 日前公布將大規模重製虛擬替身系統,讓人物更逼真、更個人化。

Our vision goes well beyond play; we're imagining a place where people learn together, where people work together.

Meanwhile, Epic Games, which owns Fortnite, announced it raised one billion dollars in funding to support its vision for the metaverse.
同時,《要塞英雄》的開發商 Epic Games 宣布募資到了十億元,要支持他們對元宇宙的願景。

They recently made an announcement that they're gonna start to look at potentially working with blockchain developers, so that, in itself, is a big signal of some level of openness.

Facebook's name change reflects its ambition of being a big player in the metaverse race.
Facebook 改名的這件事,就反映了他們想在元宇宙中搶占鰲頭的野心。

We believe the metaverse will be the successor to the mobile Internet. We'll be able to feel present, like we're right there with people, no matter how far apart we actually are.

The company, which already owns Oculus VR, is spending billions on other VR company acquisitions and hardware development. And it plans to create ten thousand jobs in the European Union over the next five years to build the virtual space.
開發 Oculus VR 的公司砸下數十億美元收購虛擬實境公司以及硬體開發。他們計畫在接下來的五年間,在歐盟中創造一萬個就業機會,打造虛擬空間。

We expect to invest many billions of dollars for years to come before the metaverse reaches scale.

The company's expansion into the metaverse comes amid intense criticism over revelations in The Wall Street Journal Facebook File series, which showed the company knows its platforms are riddled with flaws that cause harm. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that the criticism paints a false picture of the company he co-founded.
Facebook 擴張至元宇宙的這個時機點,正值他們因《華爾街日報》「Facebook 檔案系列」揭露內情而受到猛烈批評的時候,該專題顯示公司內部知道他們的平台充斥著漏洞,且會造成傷害。執行長馬克.祖克柏表示,批評聲浪詆毀了 Facebook 的形象,他共同創立的這間公司。

It would be in the best interest of the company to, kind of, make sure that they maybe distance themselves from, you know, the Facebook app and some of the things that have come to light.
這對他們公司來說是好事,因為或許可以弱化跟 Facebook 應用程式的連結,還有沖淡他們被爆出來的事件。

Zuckerberg says the name change reflects the company's goals to move beyond social media apps.

Building our social media apps will always be an important focus for us. But right now, our brand is so tightly linked to one product that it can't possibly represent everything that we're doing today, let alone in the future.

Other companies, like Microsoft, are focusing on strategic game company acquisitions that could give them a foothold in the metaverse space. The company already has a history in the gaming world. It created the popular video game console, Xbox.
其他公司像是微軟,正專注於收購策略性遊戲公司讓他們在元宇宙中取得一席之地。而微軟在遊戲領域中也有涉略。他們曾開發出非常受歡迎的遊戲主機 Xbox。

They closed, like, a 7.5 billion dollar deal on the video game company, ZeniMax Media, earlier this year. And they also were previously in talks to buy Discord.
微軟在年初與 ZeniMax Media 這間電玩公司談成了 75 億美元的協議。而他們先前也討論要買下 Discord。

And in March, Microsoft announced its new Microsoft Mesh platform, which enables shared experiences on any device through mixed-reality applications.
而三月時,微軟也發表了新平台 Microsoft Mesh,該服務讓使用者能透過混合實境應用程式,在任何裝置上啟用共用體驗。

Accelerated interest in the metaverse was fueled in part by the pandemic. While stuck inside, people spend more time online. Roblox reported 42.1 million daily active users in Q1 of 2021, a 78 percent increase from the same time the previous year.
大家對元宇宙之所以趨之若鶩,一部分是受到疫情的刺激。困在家中時,人們會花更多時間上網。Roblox 報告指出,2021 年第一季每天有 4210 萬活躍用戶,跟去年同期相比,成長了 78 個百分比。

So, the pandemic really kind of set us forward a couple of years in people understanding the convergence of digital and physical, right? And really for us to really think about the future of the Internet. What comes next?

For now, the shared ambitions of these giant corporations are setting the stage for a high-stakes race to create this digital world.

The metaverse is gonna impact every vertical and every industry in some way, right? That's gonna impact the way we socialize, the way we work, the way we have fun. So, it is gonna touch, you know, almost every aspect of our lives.

  • 「成形、有了雛形」- take shape

    A tech-industry battle is taking shape over the metaverse.

  • 「根據…、源自…」- be rooted in

    The concept is rooted in science fiction movies like Ready Player One.

  • 「出現」- play out

    But now it's playing out in the real world.

  • 「從頭開始做某事」- from scratch

    You know, they're not building something from scratch.

  • 「充斥著某物」- be riddled with something

    The company's expansion into the metaverse comes amid intense criticism over revelations in The Wall Street Journal Facebook File series, which showed the company knows its platforms are riddled with flaws that cause harm.
    Facebook 擴張至元宇宙的這個時機點,正值他們因《華爾街日報》「Facebook 檔案系列」揭露內情而受到猛烈批評的時候,該專題顯示公司內部知道他們的平台充斥著漏洞,且會造成傷害。

  • 「將某物描繪成…的形象」- paints a...picture of something

    CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that the criticism paints a false picture of the company he co-founded.
    執行長馬克.祖克柏表示,批評聲浪詆毀了 Facebook 的形象,他共同創立的這間公司。

  • 「對某人有好處、有利」- in the best interest

    It would be in the best interest of the company to, kind of, make sure that they maybe distance themselves from, you know, the Facebook app and some of the things that have come to light.
    這對他們公司來說是好事,因為或許可以弱化跟 Facebook 應用程式的連結,還有沖淡他們被爆出來的事件。

  • 「曝光、被披露」- come to light

    It would be in the best interest of the company to, kind of, make sure that they maybe distance themselves from, you know, the Facebook app and some of the things that have come to light.
    這對他們公司來說是好事,因為或許可以弱化跟 Facebook 應用程式的連結,還有沖淡他們被爆出來的事件。

  • 「更不用說」- let alone

    But right now, our brand is so tightly linked to one product that it can't possibly represent everything that we're doing today, let alone in the future.




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