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「Cameron Russell:外貌不代表一切」- Cameron Russell: Looks Aren't Everything

觀看次數:56578  • 


Hi. My name is Cameron Russell, and for the last little while I've been a model. Actually, for ten years. And I feel like there's an uncomfortable tension in the room right now because I should not have worn this dress.
嗨。我的名字是Cameron Russell,在過去一小段日子我是一名模特兒。事實上。是十年。我覺得現在這個房裡有些不安的緊張感,因為我不該穿這套裙裝。

So luckily I brought an outfit change. This is the first outfit change on the TED stage, so you guys are pretty lucky to witness it, I think. If some of the women were really horrified when I came out, you don't have to tell me now, but I'll find out later on Twitter.

I'd also note that I'm quite privileged to be able to transform what you think of me in a very brief ten seconds. Not everybody gets to do that. These heels are very uncomfortable, so good thing I wasn't gonna wear them. The worst part is putting this sweater over my head, because that's when you'll all laugh at me, so don't do anything while it's over my head. All right.

So why did I do that? That was awkward. Well, hopefully not as awkward as that picture. Image is powerful, but also image is superficial. I just totally transformed what you thought of me in six seconds. And in this picture, I'd actually never had a boyfriend in real life. I was totally uncomfortable, and the photographer was telling me to arch my back and put my hand in that guy's hair. And of course, barring surgery, or the fake tan that I got two days ago for work, there's very little that we can do to transform how we look, and how we look, though it is superficial and immutable, has a huge impact on our lives.

So today, for me, being fearless means being honest. And I am on this stage because I am a model. I am on this stage because I am a pretty, white woman, and in my industry we call that a sexy girl. And I'm gonna answer the questions that people always ask me, but with an honest twist.

So the first question is, "How do you become a model?" And I always just say, "Oh, I was scouted," but that means nothing. The real way that I became a model is I won a genetic lottery, and I am the recipient of a legacy, and maybe you're wondering, "What is a legacy?" Well, for the past few centuries, we have defined beauty not just as health and youth and symmetry that we're biologically programmed to admire, but also as tall, slender figures, and femininity and white skin. And this is a legacy that was built for me, and it's a legacy that I've been cashing out on. And I know there are people in the audience who are skeptical at this point, and maybe there are some fashionistas who are like, "Wait. Naomi, Tyra, Joan Smalls, Liu Wen." And first, I commend you on your model knowledge. Very impressive. But unfortunately I have to inform you that in 2007, a very inspired NYU Ph.D. student counted all the models on the runway, every single one that was hired, and of the six hundred and seventy-seven models that were hired, only twenty-seven, or less than four percent, were non-white.
第一個問題是:「妳如何成為一名模特兒的?」我總是就說:「喔,我被星探挖掘的。」但那不代表什麼。我成為模特兒真正的方式是我中了基因的樂透,而我是遺產的接收者,可能你在猜想:「遺產是什麼?」嗯,在過去幾個世紀,我們定義美麗為不只是健康和青春,不只是我們在生物學上設定要欣賞的勻稱美,還有高挑、纖細身形、女性氣質以及白皮膚。這是為我設立的遺產,這是一直以來讓我賺錢的遺產。我知道觀眾裡有些人這時抱持懷疑態度,還可能有些時尚達人像這樣說:「等等。還有Naomi、Tyra、Joan Smalls、劉雯。」首先,我很讚賞你們對模特兒圈的知識。非常令人印象深刻。但不幸的是我必須告知你們,在2007年,一名非常有才華的紐約大學博士生計算了所有在伸展台上的模特兒,每一位受僱的模特兒,在六百七十七名受僱的模特兒中,只有二十七名,也就是少於百分之四,不是白人。

The next question people always ask me is, "Can I be a model when I grow up?" And the first answer is, "I don't know. They don't put me in charge of that." But the second answer and what I really wanna say to these little girls is, "Why? You know, you can be anything. You could be the President of the United States, or the inventor of the next Internet, or a ninja cardio-thoracic surgeon poet, which would be awesome, because you'd be the first one." If, after this amazing list, they still are like, "No, no, Cameron, I wanna be a model," Well then I say, "Be my boss." Because I'm not in charge of anything, and you could be the editor in chief of American Vogue, the CEO of H&M or the next Steven Meisel. Saying that you wanna be a model when you grow up is akin to saying that you wanna win the Powerball when you grow up. It's, you know, out of your control, and it's awesome, and it's not a career path. I will demonstrate for you now ten years of accumulated model knowledge, because unlike cardio-thoracic surgeons, it can just be distilled right into, right now. So if the photographer is right there and the light is right there, like a nice HMI, and the client says, "Cameron, we want a walking shot," well then this leg goes first, nice and long, this arm goes back, this arm goes forward, the head is at three quarters, and you just go back and forth, just do that, and then you look back at your imaginary friends, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred times. It will look something like this. Hopefully less awkward than that one in the middle. That was...I don't know what happened there.
下一個人們經常問我的問題是:「我長大後可以當模特兒嗎?」第一個回答是:「我不知道。他們沒有讓我負責這塊。」但第二個答案,也是我非常想跟這些小女孩說的是:「為什麼?妳知道,妳可以做任何事。妳可以當美國總統,或是下一個網路的發明者,或是一個忍者兼心臟胸腔外科醫生兼詩人,這會超棒的,因為妳會是第一人。」如果,看完這列超棒的選項後,她們還是像這樣說:「不、不,Cameron,我想要當模特兒。」那麼我會說:「當我的老闆。」因為我沒有掌管任何事,而妳可以當上美國Vogue的總編、H&M的執行長,或是下一個Steven Meisel(美國時尚攝影師)。說妳長大後想成為模特兒就像是說妳長大後想中大樂透。這是,你知道的,不在妳控制範圍內,這很棒,但這不是一條職業之路。現在我要示範給你們看十年累積的模特兒知識,因為不像心臟胸腔外科醫師,它的精華可以就在這展現出來,就在現在。如果攝影師在那然後燈光在那邊,好比一盞很棒的HMI燈(攝影用燈具),然後客戶說:「Cameron,我們想要走路的鏡頭。」接著這隻腳走在前面,又美又修長,這隻手臂擺後面,這隻手臂擺前面,頭在九點鐘方向,你就前後走,就這樣做,然後你回頭看你幻想中的朋友,三百、四百、五百次。它看起來會像這樣。希望沒比中間那張還奇怪。那是...我不知道那裡發生什麼事。

Unfortunately after you've gone to school, and you have a resume and you've done a few jobs, you can't say anything anymore, so if you say you wanna be the President of the United States, but your resume reads, "Underwear Model: ten years," people give you a funny look.

The next question people always ask me is, "Do they retouch all the photos?" And yeah, they pretty much retouch all the photos, but that is only a small component of what's happening. This picture is the very first picture that I ever took, and it's also the very first time that I had worn a bikini, and I didn't even have my period yet. I know we're getting personal, but, you know, I was a young girl. This is what I looked like with my grandma just a few months earlier. Here's me on the same day as this shoot. My friend got to come with me. Here's me at a slumber party a few days before I shot French Vogue. Here's me on the soccer team and in V Magazine. And here's me today. And I hope what you're seeing is that these pictures are not pictures of me. They are constructions, and they are constructions by a group of professionals, by hairstylists and makeup artists and photographers and stylists and all of their assistants and pre-production and post-production, and they build this. That's not me.

Okay, so the next question people always ask me is, "Do you get free stuff?" I do have too many eight-inch heels which I never get to wear, except for earlier, but the free stuff that I get is the free stuff that I get in real life, and that's what we don't like to talk about. I grew up in Cambridge, and one time I went into a store and I forgot my money and they gave me the dress for free. When I was a teenager, I was driving with my friend who was an awful driver and she ran a red and of course, we got pulled over, and all it took was a "Sorry, officer," and we were on our way. And I got these free things because of how I look, not who I am, and there are people paying a cost for how they look and not who they are. I live in New York, and last year, of the one hundred and forty thousand teenagers that were stopped and frisked, eighty-six percent of them were Black and Latino, and most of them were young men. And there are only a hundred and seventy-seven thousand young black and Latino men in New York, so for them, it's not a question of, "Will I get stopped?" but "How many times will I get stopped? When will I get stopped?" When I was researching this talk, I found out that of the thirteen-year-old girls in the United States, fifty-three percent don't like their bodies, and that number goes to seventy-eight percent by the time that they're seventeen.

So the last question people ask me is, you know, "What is it like to be a model?" And I think the answer that they're looking for is, "If you are a little bit skinnier and you have shinier hair, you will be so happy and fabulous." And when we're backstage, we give an answer that maybe makes it seem like that. We say, "It's really amazing to travel, and it's amazing to get to work with creative, inspired, passionate people." And those things are true, but they're only one half of the story, because the thing that we never say on camera, that I have never said on camera, is, "I am insecure." And I'm insecure because I have to think about what I look like every day. And if you ever are wondering, you know, "If I have thinner thighs and shinier hair, will I be happier?" you just need to meet a group of models, because they have the thinnest thighs and the shiniest hair and the coolest clothes, and they're the most physically insecure women probably on the planet.

So when I was writing this talk, I found it very difficult to strike an honest balance, because on the one hand, I felt very uncomfortable to come out here and say, "Look I've received all these benefits from a deck stacked in my favor," and I also felt really uncomfortable to follow that up with, "and it doesn't always make me happy." But mostly it was difficult to unpack a legacy of gender and racial oppression when I am one of the biggest beneficiaries. But I'm also happy and honored to be up here, and I think that it's great that I got to come, you know, before ten or twenty or thirty years had passed and I'd had more agency in my career, because maybe then I wouldn't tell the story of how I got my first job, or maybe I wouldn't tell the story of how I paid for college, which seems so important right now.

If there's a takeaway to this talk, I hope it's that we all feel more comfortable acknowledging the power of image in our perceived successes and our perceived failures.

Thank you.

  • 「讓某人負責(某事)」- Put Someone In Charge (Of Something)

    And the first answer is, "I don't know. They don't put me in charge of that."

  • 「不受控制、失去控制」- Out Of Control

    It's, you know, out of your control, and it's awesome, and it's not a career path.

  • 「除了...以外」- Except For

    I do have too many eight-inch heels which I never get to wear, "except for" earlier.

  • 「發現」- Find Out

    When I was researching this talk, I "found out" that of the thirteen-year-old girls in the United States, fifty-three percent don't like their bodies.

  • 「達到平衡、找到平衡點」- Strike A Balance

    So when I was writing this talk, I found it very difficult to "strike an honest balance".

  • 「事先安排準備、做牌」- Stack The Deck

    Look I've received all these benefits from "a deck stacked" in my favor.




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