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「生命鬥士Lindsay Ess的故事(一):第二雙手」- Lindsay Ess' Story: Getting New Hands

觀看次數:17619  • 


Can you even imagine waking up after doctors removed both hands and both feet...the realization that you suddenly have no idea how to brush your teeth or go out on a date, not to mention start a family or dress a child. But a few years ago, a lovely young woman named Lindsay Ess experienced just that, but somehow managed to hold onto the dream of somehow being able to touch again.
你甚至能想像嗎,在醫師將你的雙手及雙腳切除後醒過來嗎...意識到你忽然不知道要怎麼刷牙、或出去約會,更別提成家或幫小孩穿衣服了。但幾年前,一位叫做Lindsay Ess的迷人年輕女士經歷了方才那些,但她以某種方式設法堅持住能再次觸摸的夢想。

And what happened next is nothing short of incredible. "Nightline" producers Max Cohen and Mary Marsh, and ABC's John Donovan had spent three years following Lindsay's journey.
而之後所發生的事簡直令人難以置信。《Nightline(節目名稱)》的製作人Max Cohen、Mary Marsh和ABC的John Donovan花了三年的時間追蹤Lindsay的旅程。

So, I can move... It is the simplest thing, the grasp of one hand inside another. But Lindsay Ess will never see it that way, for her hands, these, once belonged to someone else. Her story and these hands' story are one and the same, now.
所以,我可以移動...這是最簡單的事情,將一隻手握在另一隻手中。但Lindsay Ess永遠不會用這個角度看它,因為她的手,這些,曾經是屬於別人的。她的故事和這雙手的故事,現在,完全是同一回事。

But listen to how that came to be. Growing up, Lindsay was always one of the pretty girls. She went to college. She did some modeling and got to work building a career in fashion. And then, she lost her hands...and her feet.

Hold it right there, please.

We first met Lindsay three years ago in December of 2009...

Hello, Lindsay. Hi. Hi, good to see you again.

...in one of her first meetings with this man, Dr. Scott Levin, a transplant specialist, who was willing to try the still rare procedure of giving Lindsay new hands, real ones, from a donor.
...在她與這位男士起初幾次會面中的一次, Scott Levin醫生,一位移植權威,他願意嘗試能給Linsay一雙新手的那仍然罕見的手術,真正的一雙手,來自一位捐贈者。

Will I be able to go behind my... Sure, yah, hopefully you'll be doing your hair.

Here's what had happened to Lindsay. When she was twenty-four, she had her eyes on a career producing fashion shows and had just graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University's well-regarded fashion program.

You are on your way.

Yes. I would say that was my dreams. As far as being an excellent student and respe...well, respected, were definitely coming true.

But then she got sick, a blockage in her small intestine from Crone's disease. Surgery followed and something went wrong, an infection that took over and shut down her entire body. To save her life, doctors had to put her in a medically induced coma. When she came out of it a month later, still in a haze...

I knew that there was something wrong with my hands and my feet because I would look down and I would see black, almost like a body that had decomposed.

...the infection had turned her extremities into dead tissue.

There was a period of time where they didn't tell me they had to amputate, but somebody from the staff...he said, "Oh, honey, you know what they're going to do to your hands, right?" That was when I was...I knew.

April 2010. The remarkable thing was seeing Lindsay at home in Richmond, Virginia, and the things that at that point she had learned to do without her hands, like this. And this. And guess what? Yes, this.

The most common questions I get are how do you type and how do you text so fast? It's just like chicken pecking.

The truth was, though, that overnight she had become profoundly disabled. You don't have your hands now. Or my feet. Or your feet. What are the challenges? The challenges are independence and kind of lack of control.

Remember, she had lost her feet also, and getting her prosthetic legs on always required help from her mom, Judith, who basically had moved back into her daughter's life, back to the kind of care that would have been their connection twenty years earlier.

How much do you want them cuffed up?

Lindsay had discovered a lot of things about herself that she did better emotionally by not focusing on the life that was gone, that she hates needing so much help.

Can't wait to brush my own hair. I'm such an independent person. But then again, I'm also grateful that I have a mother like that. Because, look, I mean, what would I do?

I want her to be able to, you know, touch me just the way that I touch her.

She also learned that while she could adjust to the prosthetic legs, the prosthetic arms were just too heavy. These prosthetics are s**t . I can't do anything with them. You can't do anything behind your head. They're heavy. They're made for men. They are claws. I mean, they're not feminine whatsoever.

Besides, she realized so much of our independence, our identity, even, is in our hands.

I've accepted the fact that my feet are gone. That's acceptable to me. My hands... It's not. It's still not. In my dreams, I always have my hands.

I wanted to try to get this other knee up.

December 2010. Over the past year, Lindsay had been working out diligently. Part of the commitment she made to qualify for a transplant is that she stay in shape.
2010年十二月。在過去一年中, Lindsay一直很勤奮地做復健。為了要符合移植資格她所做出的承諾的一部分是她要維持身材。

Have you fallen? Yeah, I fall. Yeah, most of it is if you fall, you wanna go like that, but you can't do that, so what do you do? I mean essentially I still do the same thing, but I cover my, you know, face and just fall on my elbows.

She is just so tough in these moments, working her body like this. But back in her apartment, she talks about her body again, and what she sees now in a different way.

People used to turn and look, you know, look at me when I walked down the street because of how beautiful I was. Now they turn and look at me because I'm in a wheelchair and I have no hands and feet.

And what that has told her? What does it matter what my hair looks like? You know, what does it matter what I'm wearing so much?

But hands, they matter. Not just as much as before, more.

I try to defy what everybody else says is impossible. They said I wasn't gonna live. I lived. They said I wasn't gonna walk. I'm gonna walk. They said I won't have my hands. I will have my hands.

Four months later, April 2011, I pay a visit on Dr.Scott Levin at the University of Pennsylvania, who talked about how complex a surgery Lindsay had signed on for.
四個月後,2011年四月,我前去拜訪在賓州大學的Scott Levin醫生,他談到Lindsay已經參加了個多麼複雜的手術。

Do you have normal sensation here? Um-hmm. The hook-up of the new hand is relying on her nerves growing into the new muscles from the donor. The nerves have to grow into those muscles, which takes months...can take a year. So she may or may not get truly functioning hands back. We tell patients, "We can fail you. The operation can fail." What's failure? Failure means the part doesn't survive, and we have to re-amputate the transplant. That's failure.

The preferred donor would be female with hands of the right size and a skin color that matched, and a part of the wait now was for those body parts to become available. That was, of everything we discussed, the part Lindsay found most difficult, about this unnamed donor that everyone was waiting for.

I hate thinking about that. Why?

Because, I just don't...yah, somebody out there right now alive...

You hate thinking about it because it means that that person would have to die. Um-hmm.

I think that to whomever, the hands will be...will be carried out with purpose. They're not just gonna be used for to look pretty.

September 2011. My spirits are pretty good. Have been waiting for this for a long time.

After four years without hands or feet and a month on the waiting list, it has finally happened. Someone, somewhere has died and her hands are being delivered to Dr. Levin, who has also now phoned Lindsay, telling her to get from Richmond to Philadelphia immediately. They have only hours to get this done.
經歷了四年沒有手或腳並待在候補名單上一個月後,它終於出現了。某人在某處過世了,她的手正被送往Levin醫師那,Levin也正打給 Lindsay,告訴她立即從里奇蒙前往費城。他們只有幾小時來完成這件事。

When the phone rang, what did, what did he say?

There's a donor ready for you. And I think my mom and I, both jaws dropped.

There was a lot of prepping to do in a hurry. But Lindsay and her mother paused for a moment.
有許多術前準備要馬上做好。但 Lindsay和她母親停頓了一下子。

Our first thing that we did was we prayed for the family who lost their young daughter.

And then it begins. For the next eleven and a half hours, the surgery proceeds. Separate skin, separate muscle biopsy at this point in time.

Two separate teams, one dedicated to the left hand, one working on the right. An operation so cutting edge, surgeons have only attempted seventy or so times in the past fifteen years.

  • 「堅持住、抓住」- Hold Onto

    But a few years ago, a lovely young woman named Lindsay Ess experienced just that, but somehow managed to "hold onto" the dream of somehow being able to touch again.
    但幾年前,一位叫做Lindsay Ess的迷人年輕女士經歷了方才那些,但她以某種方式設法堅持住能再次觸摸的夢想。

  • 「簡直、幾乎是」- Nothing Short Of

    And what happened next is "nothing short of" incredible.

  • 「完全是同一回事、合而為一」- One And The Same

    Her story and these hands' story are "one and the same", now.

  • 「目標放在、注意在」- Have Eyes On

    When she was twenty-four, she had her eyes on a career producing fashion shows and had just graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University's well-regarded fashion program.

  • 「就...而言」- As Far As

    Yes. I would say that was my dreams. "As far as" being an excellent student and respe…well, respected, were definitely coming true.

  • 「接管、接收」- Take Over

    Surgery followed and something went wrong, an infection that "took over" and shut down her entire body.

  • 「拜訪、訪問」- Pay A Visit

    Four months later, April 2011, I "pay a visit" on Dr.Scott Levin at the University of Pennsylvania, who talked about how complex a surgery Lindsay had signed on for.
    四個月後,2011年四月,我前去拜訪在賓州大學的Scott Levin醫生,他談到Lindsay已經參加了個多麼複雜的手術。

  • 「使用、執行、實施」- Carry Out

    I think that to whomever, the hands will be…will be "carried out" with purpose. They're not just gonna be used for to look pretty.

  • 「驚訝到下巴都掉下來了、吃驚」- Jaws Drop

    There's a donor ready for you. And I think my mom and I, both "jaws dropped".

  • 「領先、先進」- Cutting Edge

    An operation so "cutting edge", surgeons have only attempted seventy or so times in the past fifteen years.




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