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「空中飛人Michael Jordan豪宅大直擊」- Michael Jordan's Residence Auction

觀看次數:56542  • 


The 23 on the front of the gate says it all. This is Michael Jordan's house. That's about to change. On November 22, this legendary property, designed, built and lived in by Michael Jordan for 19 years—we'll sell it to the highest bidder. We are giving you a chance to see it like never before. Time to see behind the 23.
大門前方的23說明了一切。這是Michael Jordan的房子。那即將要改變了。在十一月二十二日,這個傳奇性的房地產,由Michael Jordan設計、建造及居住了十九年--我們要把它賣給最高的出價者。我們要給你個前所未有的機會一探究竟。是時候看看23後面的東西了。

In the next few minutes, an all-access pass to Michael Jordan's ultra private compound.
在接下來幾分鐘,是一張到Michael Jordan超級私人豪宅的暢遊通行證。

He was demanding that if you're gonna come to the Breakfast Club, you're gonna work.

A former teammate reveals why Jordan's home was key to the Bull's six titles. And the ultimate home court advantage—we are on the hardwood of Jordan's personal basketball complex plus an island to escape. You've never seen a pool quite like this.

With a home this big, where do you start? Let's go one on one with Michael's listing agent Katherine Malkin and get the flow of the home.
有個這麼大的家,你要從哪開始?來和Michael的房仲Katherine Malkin一對一走訪這間豪宅。

He sort of lays it out so that you have living space here, office space over there, dining and kitchen.

We had to stop in the dining room and show you a table that simply puts this room on the map.

The table was actually made for him, and it's called the Baghdad table, so it is actually set up like the city of Baghdad like a map grid.

And all of the furniture will stay with the home? They all stay.

And every room perfectly captures the light, whether it's the floor-to-ceiling formal living room, the great room, a relaxing private corner, or the eye to the sky above the kitchen table.

And the kitchen, which was redone more recently, is really set up so that a chef can cook here or a family can cook here. A wonderful refrigerator, freezer and wine storage space—but also, every appliance you could possibly mount just here.

After kitchen, step down into the great room lined with aquariums and this over-sized sectional. As you'll see, this is one of several hangouts around the home that Michael designed for family and friends.

When Jordan first built this home and moved in in 1994, this was an indoor swimming pool. Now look at this space—110-inch screen, great lounging area. You've got a bar over here. And then the walls on both side of this room completely disappear with ease. It's the ultimate indoor-outdoor living.

In fact, this sprawling patio can be accessed from six different areas of the home. At the center of it all—paradise, a one-of-a-kind infinity-edge pool. Smack in the middle, your personal island oasis. From a design perspective, this entire section of the home plays off the views and axes of the pool and patio, including the three-bedroom guest wing.

The guest house has its own entrance, but it's also connected to the house. I was worried that maybe somebody would come and stay and never leave. So nice!

And the guest house leads you to the most talked-about spot in the home.

There's definitely different feeling when you come into this part of the house. I mean, can you imagine who probably sat around these chairs? Why? Look over my shoulder. That's Michael Jordan's private, regulation-size, NBA-quality basketball court.
當你走進屋裡這部份時會有絕對不同的感受。我是說,你能想像有誰也許曾四處坐在這些椅子上嗎?為什麼?看看我肩膀後方。那是Michael Jordan的私人、標準尺寸、NBA品質的籃球場。

Now, this is what I'm talking about. I mean, listen to that sound. And that shot, you know what I'm talking about. Game 6, Utah Jazz, over Bryon Russell. I'm thinking there's a pretty good chance Jordan had already rehearsed for that exact moment right here. But title-clinching shots come with a price.
現在,我說的就是這個。我是說,聽聽那聲音。那一球,你知道我在說什麼。第六場,爵士隊,面對 Bryon Russell。我在想有蠻有可能Jordan已經在這裡為那確切的一刻排演過了。但奪下冠軍的那球是要付出代價的。

And nobody would think that the greatest player that would play the game would put in that much work before he gets on the court. You know, it was amazing to watch, it was amazing to witness.

Randy Brown is talking about the Breakfast Club. The current assistant general manager of the Chicago Bulls won three titles with Jordan, and was part of the group of players who would regularly train at Jordan's home.
Randy Brown正在談論早餐俱樂部。現任芝加哥公牛隊的副總經理和Jordan一起贏下三座冠軍,也是會在Jordan家定期訓練的那群球員之一。

It really started up with Michael, him and Tim Grover, and it kind of spilled over to Scottie, Ron Harper, and then myself.
其實是從Michael開始,他和Tim Grover,然後好像擴展到Scottie、Ron Harper、然後我自己。

They would hit Michael's weight room down at the lower level of the house in the mornings before practicing with the rest of the team.

They were intense.

But, where did the name Breakfast Club really come from?

The chef was there. You know, it was easy for, you know, us to go work out and then have breakfast with a chef.

Things have changed since the days in the Breakfast Club. The home has seen an extensive renovation, including much of the lower level.

You get the wine cellar, and it's behind it, but this used to be the exercise room. Now it became a card room, a cigar room, just sort of a boy's room.

And you would expect if this is cigar room and there's a humidor right over here that you would smell smoke or something since this is a cigar room.

Nothing. So there's a system that takes out all of the air that's not pure. It just smells good, every part of the house, all filtered out.

We told you there were some amazing hangout spots in the house, and we're not done yet. Let's go upstairs to a place that very few have seen.

When Jordan wasn't winning championships with the balls, he was relaxing around his property. This was one of his favorite spots. This is actually the upstairs library, a room that he built when he remodeled the home in 2009. You got your drop-down screen. And take a look at this space over here. In the adjacent room, there's the pool table.

And the doors to this wing, not just the doors, but these are the doors that welcome guests to the original Playboy Mansion in Chicago up until 1974.

You really can't do better than this. That's the great thing about the whole property. It's that when you're outside, you have an area that's completely away and on its own. And you're close to Chicago, so you have all of the things that you would want to do maybe in a big city.

So we've shown you the 56,000-square-foot home, amazing. But this is a seven-plus-acre property. Michael brought in over 150 trees to line the property, creating ultra seclusion, ultra privacy. Then you have a pond fully stocked, a tennis court. It almost feels like you're on your own private golf course. After all, there is a PGA-grade putting green right outside your door. And where else in the world will you find Jumpman flags? Pretty cool.

The home, the seven plus acres, the legendary history—indeed an all-star lineup.

I'm here with Nick Leonard. He is with Concierge Auctions and he's actually the project manager here at Jordan's house. This originally listed at 29 million dollars. You're telling me this will go to the highest bidder?
我在這和Nick Leonard一起。他是Concierg Auctions的人,且他事實上是Jordan房子這裡的專案經理。這本來出價兩千九百萬美金。你告訴我這將會賣給最高出價者?

Yeah, the property is gonna sell to the highest bidder on November 22.

And a lot of people may be surprised that Jordan is auctioning his house.

We do this all the time. You know, fame would help. Michael Jordan has a lot similarities...he's been our typical seller. He's an extremely savvy, very successful business person. He has a spectacular property, one-of-a-kind, and he's not using it. So he is taking control of the market, he is setting a sale date, he is gonna auction it to the highest bidder. For anybody who has any interest, it's now or never.
我們一向在做這種事。你知道,名氣會有所幫助。Michael Jordan有許多相似處...他是我們典型的賣家。他是位非常精明、非常成功的商人。他有一個絕佳的房地產、獨一無二,而他沒有在使用它。所以他在掌控市場,他正訂出拍賣的日期,他要拍賣給出價最高的競標者。對於那些有些許興趣的任何人,此時不買,更待何時?

If you'd like more information, just go to concierge.auction.com or call the number on your screen. Ok, I've got an official Chicago Bull's basketball right here. I'm going to put the pressure on Nick, and ask him to sink a NBA three on Michael Jordan's home court. Do you think you can do it?
如果你想要更多資訊,就去看看concierge.auction.com,或是撥打螢幕上的電話。好的,我在這有顆官方的芝加哥公牛隊籃球。我要把壓力加諸在Nick身上,要他在Michael Jordan的家庭球場投顆NBA的三分球。你覺得你能做到嗎?



Did he get it? Apparently greatness rubs off.

Don't forget: a new owner come November 22 to the highest bidder.

  • 「使某事變得出名、重要」- Put On The Map

    We had to stop in the dining room and show you a table that simply puts this room on the map.

  • 「在正中央」- Smack In The Middle

    At the center of it all—paradise, a one-of-a-kind infinity-edge pool. Smack in the middle, your personal island oasis.




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